Our Vision
Nurture a Generation

To nurture a generation that would make the difference & ensure that the world is a better place for generations to come…

Our Mission for
better tomorrownext generationbright future
Through the ’World Storytelling Championship’, we lay the platform for the world  to come together and connect through stories & culture regardless of Race, Language,  Religion, or Country, thereby promoting universal brotherhood. 
 Through the Pastoral Care Programme, we nurture life from the very beginning    to make that difference. 
Through the eLearning platform, we provide innovative, structured, comprehensive & enthusiastic learning strategies to reach every child even in the  rural parts of the world. 
The ‘Blu Hornbill Club’ is an extracurricular pursuit, whereby we introduce a    practical & judicious combination of: 
– Student Cohesiveness 
– Knowledge Building Skills (reading, writing & storytelling) 
– Social Obligation 
– Environmental Concerns 
– Disaster Management Skills